Monday, February 26, 2018

how to quick diet with 11 benefits of purple yam

From some studies that have been done to prove if consuming purple sweet potato is very good for the body because it becomes a source of carbohydrate substitute for rice. In addition, in purple yam also contains antioxidant benefits such as phenol and also flavonoids that have a role for anti mutagenic, anti viral, anti microbial and also anti-bacterial. Sweet purple also contains some vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, fat, calcium, riboflavin, crude fiber, protein, vitamin B, vitamin C and so on. With so many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in this tuber, it's no wonder that purple sweet potatoes have many benefits including the purple sweet potato benefits for the diet that we will review the following.
    1. Lose Weight
In addition to the many benefits of eating boiled eggs for the diet, purple sweet potato is best consumed to lose weight because it is low in calories but high in nutrients and dietary fiber. Sweet purple is considered to be one of the best diet foods to reduce weight. The fiber in this purple sweet potato will fill the stomach faster and reduce the desire for snacking. Just consuming one small portion of purple yam is enough to keep you full longer so it can prevent overeating and automatic weight loss will also decrease.
   2. Maintaining Blood Sugar Stability
In purple sweet potato contains kanji useful to increase blood sugar levels slowly so it is highly recommended for diabetics diet. Sweet purple is very well consumed to reduce blood sugar levels and also insulin resistance. While the fiber content in sweet potatoes is also very good for maintaining the stability of insuli, lipid and blood sugar levels in the body.
   3. Improve the Digestive System
Sweet purple is also a high food fiber content even higher than potatoes. This fiber is needed to improve the digestive system. The purple sweet potato texture that is also easy to digest makes this food a good food for the intestine and stomach. While the content of vitamin B Complex, beta carotene, vitamin C, calcium and calcium also will relieve symptoms of stomach ulcers, ulcer solution, prevent constipation while building acid. With the smooth progress of digestion, the accumulation of fat, dirt and various unimportant substances can be removed from the body and do not gain weight because it accumulates too long.
    4. Maintaining Water Balance In Body
The fiber content in purple yam is not only good for maintaining the stability of body weight, but also maintaining the stability of water in the body. A well-preserved body fluid balance will not accumulate and gain weight so it will further support your weight loss.
    5. Set Cholesterol Levels
Fiber in purple yam is also very useful for lowering high cholesterol in the blood because the fiber content is enough to meet the body's AKG reaches 33 percent. This type of carbohydrate in purple sweet potato will be useful to lower excess cholesterol level so it can be used as a very good diet therapy.
   6. Reduce Excessive Stress Levels
Keep in mind if weight gain is also very influential with how high levels of stress a person. The higher the stress level, the performance of the body will be disrupted which makes the various important substances which should be discarded or burned into disturbed energy so that only stored in the body.
    7. Reduce the Nature of Food Addiction
The reason people have to lose weight is because of dependence with certain types of foods such as sweet foods, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. To control the desire to eat something then it can be done by consuming this purple sweet potatoes regularly which also lose weight.
   8. Healthy Diet Source Diet Program
The fiber content in purple sweet potatoes and various complete nutrients didalmnya also useful as a source of energy during the day of activity. With this, the stomach will feel full longer without the need to consume too much food.
    9. High Antioxidant
Sweet purple is also a food high in vitamin C and an antioxidant source so it is very good to ward off free radicals cause DNA damage that can cause serious problems such as fat accumulation, heart and cancer. Vitamin C in purple sweet potato is also useful to increase the production of collagen which will improve the appearance of fresh skin and reduce cellulite because fat does not accumulate in the skin layer.
  10. Protecting Cardio
 Eating foods high in fiber such as purple yams is very good for maintaining the cardiovascular system which automatically also will reduce weight because there is no fat accumulation in the heart area. Sweet purple also acts in a decrease in bad cholesterol levels, while vitamin B6 will shed homocysteine, a substance that is responsible for damage to blood vessels and causes heart problems and fat accumulation. While potassium in purple sweet potatoes play a role in neutralizing the effects of sodium in the body to control blood pressure and water accumulation that causes weight increases.

11. Low Glycemic Index FoodsConsuming purple yams will not make blood sugar levels higher because the absorption of glucose will be slowed compared with simple sugars. It is not only beneficial for weight control but also useful for diabetes control.The benefits of purple sweet potatoes for diets are produced from the high content of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in these tubers. Make purple sweet potatoes as food in the daily diet to get the ideal weight as well as healthy.
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